Adoption Terminations
- Adoption Fraud (Successful annulment of an adoption in Florida)
- Beverly Anne Cormier Adoption Termination Act (2009) (PDF)
- Tanya Marie Bryant Adoption Termination Act (1998) (PDF)
- Kenneth Garnet McKay Adoption Termination Act (1997) (PDF)
- Satnam Parmar Adoption Termination Act (1990) (PDF)
- Filiation (Wikipedia article)
Adult Adoption and Adopting-Back
- Adult Adoption Act . Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000 Chapter A-4. Province of Alberta, Legislature.
- Self-Help Kit for Adult Adoptions (Alberta) $15 from the Alberta Queens Printer.
- Adult Adoption Restrictions in British Columbia by Joel Diakow, BC Civil Liberties Assocation, 2006.
- A Gap in the Adoption Act 2009 (Qld): The Case for Allowing Adult Adoption, by Kent Blore, Researcher at the TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland.
Articles on Adoption and the Treatment of ‘Unwed’ Mothers
- Adoption – Not By Choice by Karen Wilson-Buterbaugh
- Effects of Adoption on Mental Health of the Mother: What They Knew and Didn’t Tell Us
- Adoption: The Facts
- DISEMBABYMENT: How Our Babies Were Taken For Adoption
- (“birth”)-MOTHER RESEARCH PROJECT: The Trauma of Relinquishment
- SILENT VOICES HEARD – Impact of the Birthmother’s Experience, Then and Now
- Adoption: Trauma that Lasts a Life Time
- THE PRIMAL WOUND: Legacy of the Adopted Child
- What Is The Primal Wound? Understanding The Trauma of Infant-Maternal Separation (PDF)
Adoption Recovery and Reunion
- Origins: Supporting People Separated by Adoption
- Baby Scoop Era Research Initiative
- Origins Canada
- Adopting-Back Our Children (Facebook Group)
- Easter House – website for search, support and reunion.
- “Mothers for Open Records Everywhere”
- Green Ribbon Campaign for Open Records
- Adopting Babies from Korea? Transracial Abductees Speak!
- Adoption Crossroads
Information About Adoption and the Baby-Selling Industry
- Infant Adoption is Big Business in America (PDF) by Darlene Gerow (first appeared in the Fall 2002 CUB Communicator, the national publication of Concerned United Birthparents, Inc. Post Office Box 230457, Encinitas, CA 92023 U.S.A)
- Coerced Adoptions: Evidence from Research
- Coercion in Canada Today
- The Adoption Industry
- “Birthmothers” Exploited By Adoption* – Support for adopted persons and mothers whose babies have been taken for adoption.
*Note: The terms “birthmom” and “birthmother are used here for search engine placement ONLY. No mother is an incubator or “birth thing” – she is a mother.
Support For Natural Families: Keeping Your Baby, the Alternative to Adoption
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